Newer form of writing-- " Blogging "

As we all know, though every people is neither a news paper columnist nor a novel writer but it’s a human nature that they want to share their views, opinion, thoughts and thinking with the other people. In past, it’s not easier for them but in today’s world we can make it true. Yes, I am talking about the newer form of writing and the topic of my this post is Blogging.

Have you heard about it before? Then I must tell you that, What you are reading at this time, itself is a blog.

Let me describe more about it.
First of all,

What is a blog?

Blog is a website that allows users to share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal. Here people can easily express their personal experiences and hobbies.

Many people have a habit of maintaining a dairy. We can say Blog is the latest form of a personal dairy. Now a day it is rapidly taking the place of keeping a dairy.

The blogs are designed to be very easy to add new entries to, so the information on blogs is updated much more frequently than a traditional site. As the blogger adds entries to the blog, the viewers can add comments to the entries, so the blog becomes an interactive site.

And our most popular celebrates,, world class cricketers are also have their personal blog in the website and they keep it up-to-date, So It’s a great opportunity for us to read their post online.

Now, let me move onto my second point,

How to Blog:

  • Open an Account : For blogging at first you need to open an account in the blog website. There is huge Bengali and English blog websites. So you need to choose specific one. After opening the account you will be known as a blogger.

  • Choose a topic: Then you have to choose the topic or the subject for your post? It can be about your life or your creative writing like-story, poems, or a documentary.

  • Compose it: After typing the text, you may add picture or links to make it more attractive to the reader.

  • Check & recheck: Then recheck whole text and post it to the blog

  • Share the link: For getting more visitors you can share your blog with your near and dear one and friends.

Last but not least the final point is,

Purpose Of Blogging:

Many types of blogs are available like-

1. Personal, educational,
2. Media/ news
3. Entertainment and
4. Corporate organizational blog and so on.

So purpose of blogging may vary person to person.However blogs can take personal and professional approach. Blogs can represent the personality of the author; their personal experience, views and hobbies.Topic can include-politics, pets, comics, celebrate gossip, personal dairy etc.On a professional approach it can include blogs that offer informative information, product and service.

Today, you know about what is blog, how to blog and how is it necessary in our day life.

I think you will all agree with it, that blog is really a great way to connect and communicate with the whole world to express your creativity. It’s also a platform of improving you writing habit.

"Blogging is something for anyone and everyone. So, I encourage you to create your own blog online. Then you will surely find the magical world of blogging


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